Industrial Gearbox Repairs
We offer a full service on industrial gearbox repairs for all types of gearbox and will overhaul any make of gearbox to original specifications.
As a Radicon Partner we have extensive experience in the strip, inspection and rebuild of their full range of industrial gearboxes from large industrial gearboxes, worm gearboxes, planetary gearboxes and standard industrial geared motor units. The wealth of knowledge we have built up allows us to repair virtually any make of model of industrial gearbox.
Our engineering staff have been fully trained at the Sumitomo Cyclo Factory to dismantle and rebuild the Cyclo range of geared motor units and reducers.
If you require obsolete spares we can source/manufacture the required items on a fast turnaround basis.
The service is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
We offer full workshop services and can offer fabricated base plates and assemblies. We will also offer to machine parts, covers, end plates etc – furthermore, we also offer metal spraying and welding services.